Fuel Your Fitness – Even from Home!

There are many ways to add adventure in your life. Whether it's an outdoor action or a little dance in the kitchen, you can surely find options that will fit your current lifestyle! Are you ready to move? We've rounded up a list of activities that you can try by yourself at home!

Having a busy lifestyle can make it hard to squeeze in a bit of a sweat session in your day. But now we have more ways to exercise quickly and effectively, even in doing the daily tasks.

HIIT classes

Want to start exercising but don't know where to begin? Try taking some HIIT classes at a gym near you! HIIT stands for high intensity interval training; It's a workout routine that consists of both high and low impact exercises designed to help bring more fat and keep your heart healthy! Some workouts last for only four minutes but can truly get your heart racing, so it's perfect even for those with busy schedules.

House cleaning

If you have the time, try having a general cleaning in your house every week! With the number of chores you have to do to keep your home squeaky clean, it's no surprise that you can burn a lot of calories while you're at it! Just sweeping the floors alone for half an hour can help you burn more than 100 calories.

Cooking and baking

You've seen those chefs and bakers with their strong hands, and that's because making food counts as exercise! Mixing in those big bowls and flipping pans can challenge your arm strength. Try stepping it up by doing a little bit of dancing while you wait for your stew to boil or your cake to rise so you can have fun and tone your muscles!

Whether it's an intense or a chill adventure always make sure that your mind and body are prepared and energized. Give yourself a healthy power boost with the XS Energy Drink! It has zero carbs and zero sugar, so you can get all the energy you need to experience more out of life without the extra weight!