Taste the Rainbow: Stay Healthy By Coloring Your Meals

A healthy plate is a feast of colors. It consists of an array of plant-based variation of fruits, vegetables, and grains in different shades, like that of a rainbow, and are filled with the much-needed nutrients the body needs.

These colorful plant foods contain phytonutrients. It is a compound that makes plants maintain rich colors—from green, yellow, and orange to red, blue, and white—that not only serves as a feast for the tummy but to the eyes as well.

Plants with phytonutrients have a healthy immune system, making them reach their utmost potential of giving the best health benefits it can offer. When eaten, these plant foods that contain phytonutrients give us health benefits that can lessen our risks of chronic diseases including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Every food color has its unique advantages. If you eat a variety of it, you will be able to maximize the health benefits it can give, while serving you with a myriad of aromas, tastes, and texture to your palate’s delight.

Here are the five food colors you can choose and mix and match with for your healthy meals.


Chlorophyll is the natural plant pigment that makes fruits and vegetables show off their green shade. Plant foods such as broccoli, sprouts, avocado, and kiwi have that rich green hue which contains Vitamin K, folic acid, and potassium. These foods also have potential nutrients to strengthen the bones, eyes, and teeth.


Each nutrient is packed with essential components which bring specific benefits. For instance, Vitamin K helps in proper blood clotting and normal flow of blood in the arteries which can bring an overall benefit for the health.



Fruits and vegetables have phytochemicals lycopene which makes them red. Fruits and vegetables like tomatoes, raspberries, pink grapefruit, watermelon, and strawberries are rich in lycopene that lessens the risk of cancer, eye disease, and heart diseases.


Plant foods that range from yellow to orange hues are filled with beta carotene and vitamin c.


When beta carotene is consumed, it turns into Vitamin A which is associated with increase protection for the vision. It is also helpful in maintaining healthy skin as it protects it from the harms of the sun as well as keeping the immune system strong. These plant foods cover fruits and vegetables such as mangoes, carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and squash.


White seems not to be an eye-catching color. It usually connotes plain and simple, and, at times, boring. However, when it comes to plant food, white is a powerhouse. The phytochemical flavonoids, which are the largest in class, are usually colorless. Flavonoids reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and Parkinson’s disease.


Thus, you can enjoy many health benefits when eating white fruits and veggies like pears, cauliflowers, and bananas. Whites are also usually rich in dietary fiber that helps in maintaining gastrointestinal health, weight loss management, and obesity prevention.


Eating blue and purple vegetables gives Vitamin C, folate, and potassium to the body.


The darker the hue, the higher the phytochemicals it contains, which means the more health benefits it can bring to the body. Eggplants, plums, blackberries, blueberries, and pomegranates are rich sources of phytonutrients.

Phytonutrient Consumption

According to the American Cancer Society, the recommended consumption of fruits and vegetables each day is 2 ½ cups. Meanwhile, the US Dietary Guidelines recommends 1/2 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit, based on a 2,000-calorie diet. It is best to consult a nutritionist-dietician when coming up with a healthy meal plan to properly allocate the right amount of intake each day.


Although one can consume fruits and vegetables regularly, having a supplement to complement your diet is a way to make the most out of your decision for a healthy lifestyle.

Nutrition supplements can correct deficiencies in the body that cannot be met by the small consumption of fruits and vegetables. It also helps in attaining the required nutritional value one needed, depending on their medication, complications, and overall lifestyle choices. Having a supplement for phytonutrients boosts one’s body into achieving optimum health.

The Next Generation of Nutrilite™ Double X™ is a new, comprehensive, and balanced range of micronutrients that contains 12 essential vitamins, 10 essential minerals, and 21 plant concentrates (fruits, vegetables, and herbs) that represent all five colors of the phytonutrient spectrum.

For easy consumption with improved botanical concentrates that provide higher concentration and potency of phytonutrients, Next Generation of Double X tablets now come in smaller sizes, tightly sealed vacuum foil packs and conveniently placed in handy tablet trays.