4 steps to meaningful online conversations with customers

Customer engagement is at the core of any authentic relationships in your business. Before your customers reach the decision to purchase a product or a service from you, they’re most like already assessing how you engage and interact with them. This happens both in pre- and post-purchase – so what can you do to make sure you’re able to get their trust and properly communicate in online platforms, where tone can be misinterpreted sometimes?

We’re giving you four easy steps to establish meaningful and genuine relationships with people – even when you’re not interacting face-to-face!

1. Know who you’re talking to.

    Familiarizing yourself with a potential customer is a requirement for a successful interaction. You can start with people you’ve already met before – it could be your family and your friends. What products suit them? Is there anything in your catalog that you think they might need at this time? It will be easier for you to introduce them to products they might like because you know their interests. They're also more likely to be receptive to the product information you'll share because it's coming from someone they trust.

    Outside your family and friends, find out who else on your social media accounts share the same interests as you! This could be people who post and share content that's similar to your lifestyle.

    If you’re approaching a group of people who are into beauty and skincare products, don’t approach them with products for home cleaning or gardening. Talk about the latest makeup trends, the new products in the market, and create a bond! Because you're part of the same community, you'll be able to communicate in a language they’re familiar with - whether that’s some pop culture references or jargon that only fellow makeup enthusiasts will understand.

    If you’re approaching sustainable living advocates or even just those starting to lead healthier lifestyles, you’re in luck! Amway carries brands that cater to the needs of these individuals. For instance, both G&H and Nutrilite products are filled with plant-based ingredients that'll appeal to those who are making a switch to an all-natural lifestyle. Aside from this, Amway Home products bear the US EPA Safer Choice Label, a seal awarded to brands that have been proven to be much gentler for its users and the environment.


    2. Be friendly and engaging.

      When establishing the first interaction, remember that your goal isn’t to sell anything – use this time to build trust and rapport with your potential customers. Take the friendly approach and get to know them!

      Ask questions about something they might have posted about previously, like their recent hiking trip or about the food at the restaurant they recently went to. Master the art of meaningful small talk – find a common ground and build upon it.

      3. Share exclusive content or offers.

        Do you have upcoming events that you can invite them to? Maybe they’re interested in similar things and want to attend too! This could be an online event about health, or makeup, or tips on how to organize the home. If you find any articles or videos online that are related to the things they like, share it too! If they’re trying to be healthier by consuming foods that aren’t processed, you can share some recipe videos, or forward them tips on how to get started on that healthy lifestyle that they want to achieve.

        If they have additional questions about what you shared, make sure you respond in a timely manner so you can retain their attention and interest. Try to respond to inquiries or expressions of interest within the day. In case you’re dealing with lots of messages and can’t respond right away, craft an initial response acknowledging that the message has been received and that you’ll get back to them soon.

        4. Walk the talk.

          So you know who you’re going to talk to, but what are you going to say? Before approaching anyone online, make sure you’ve familiarized yourself with the product, its features, and what makes this product stand out from similar ones in the market (especially the competition!).

          Do you have personal experiences with the product you’re going to be talking about, or perhaps you have reviews from your previous customers who’ve tried it. These materials and testimonials can be helpful for your conversation.

          But it’s not just about having the product know-how! It’s also important to prepare your approach, depending on your customer. Do they seem like serious, discerning consumers, or are they more curious and open when they shop online? You can tailor your approach based on their personalities too.

          These tips can help you gain the trust of potential customers online. Approaching people with similar interests, engaging in enjoyable small talk, sharing content that fits the prospect’s lifestyle, and impeccable product knowledge are useful tools when it comes to developing a bond with people.

          Want an in-depth discussion about the discussed topics? You can visit our Facebook page at Amway Philippines Training. Here you’ll find online training videos to help you sharpen your business skills. For instance, if you’d like to learn more about what makes Amway products special, a video about Amway Brand Differentiators is available on the page.