ABO leaders at DSAP 27th and 28th Annual Industry Awards

ELEVATE The 27th – 28th Annual Industry Awards

The Direct Selling Association of the Philippines orchestrate its annual industry awards last November 17, 2023 at Makati Shangri-la to recognize outstanding achievements, contributions, and innovations within the direct selling industry sector.

Amway Business Owner leaders received Sales Achiever Award and Entrepreneur of the Year Awards during the event and shared a snippet of their amazing success story in direct selling.

These leaders showed resiliency and made a positive impact in the industry. This achievement has been a catalyst for their personal and business growth.


Meet our Amway Awardees!

2022 Sales Achiever Award: DANNY CUDIAMAT


Fifteen years of working in the banking industry didn’t provide the much-needed purpose in life Danny is craving for, so he opted to leave the comforts of a provincial life with his family in Ilocos to transfer Manila. This brave move gave him his most wanted independence and led his footsteps to Amway Philippines.

Danny was first introduced to Amway by his aunt. However, quitting his -paying job was not part of his plan, but soon he realized that settling for what most people believed is good is only limiting his potential to become great. Danny bid goodbye to his 9-5 job and fully committed his time to Amway. He never had any regrets since then because by doing so, he found out that the opportunities are endless.

What he first deemed as a small business with huge rewards rolled out into a channel to provide an even greater impact to help others. The support and guidance he received from his mentors and team members led him towards the right path, and he pays it forward by doing the same to others. For Danny, Amway is not only providing an excellent opportunity but giving him and others a more meaningful life.

2022 Entrepreneur of the Year Award: Luisa Arceo


For Luisa, there are three major needs in life: someone to love, something to do and something to look forward to.

Luisa can still recall how she came to join Amway. It was during one of the darkest hours of her life, when she was depressed and sad due to marital problems. She was compelled to join Amway as an act of revenge. Little did she know that she would fall in love with the business, and it would change her life completely.

Her journey to success to achieve this level took her thirteen years and she often wondered what was causing the delay and why does she needed to endure struggles. During one of her quiet times, she realized that she could inspire hope to other people by sharing her story. This is when her life changed. She learned that to change the world, the change needs to begin with her.

Luisa is a firm believer that tough times don’t last, and poverty isn’t permanent. So, while her husband works overseas, Luisa continues to work as an accountant and at the same time tirelessly builds her Amway business.

2023 Sales Achievers Award: Thelma & Marvi Roa


Hard work, consistency, and loyalty. These characteristics describe both Mrs. Thelma Roa and Attorney Marvi Manuel Roa.

They have been flying with Amway Philippines for more than 20 years, and just when everyone believed they had reached their pinnacle, they proved everyone wrong by taking off even further and reaching even higher altitudes. Their commitment to and love for the Amway Business and all of their people is one for the books as they have previously assisted numerous people and continue to do so.

They are the living embodiment of how Amway “help people live better and healthier lives”.

2023 Entrepreneur of the Year: Sitimarian & Rolando Calanda


With innovation in hand, tenacity in mind and a goal in sight nothing has stopped the couple Mrs. Sitimarian and Mr. Rolando Calanda on their road towards success.

They were able to build their strong empire that is still currently expanding by utilizing the Amway Bronze Incentives program and combining it with their own creative ideas. They also have been mentors and guides to numerous people, providing support and guidance to help them achieve their own goals and dreams.

Their selfless nature and genuine care for their team members make them true leaders in every sense.

AMWAY is proud of all that you have achieved. Your hard work, dedication, and perseverance have truly paid off. Your success is not only a testament to your skills and talents but also a reflection of your commitment to excellence.


(From left to right) Atty. Marvi & Thelma Roa, Luisa Arceo, Amway Country Manager - Leni Olmedo, Sitimarian & Rolando Calanda and Danny Cudiamat.